"Attain Professional Excellence in Education – Discover and Direct Your Strengths."
- Teach with your strengths & Teach to your strengths
- Customise your approach to maximise students' engagement, motivation and results

"The workshop is enriching. It provides me with insight on how to leverage on my strengths to make my teaching more effective in the classroom.
I find myself adopting teaching strategies that are just “me” and lessons become so naturally delivered. As a result, even though I have been teaching for the past decade, this workshop has moved me one notch higher in terms of participant engagement and motivation."
Lydia Tan, Project Work Tutor and Boarding Mentor Knowledge Skills Department, Raffles Institution
"The course significantly improved my understanding of what each theme means to me and how it can be used. This is most relevant for my work because I can speak to my students about their themes with more confidence and fluidity.
This is what I would say to others who are considering the course:
"If you believe in strengths, this course is for you. If you want to help yourself deal better with students or colleagues using strengths, this course is for you. Even if you're sceptical about strength, this course will change your mind."
Royston Tan, Subject Head, Character & Citizenship Education, Dunman High School
"I familiarised myself with the 34 talent themes & the differences between the similar sounding ones. This helps us to understand ourselves & how we work; how our colleagues with different strengths can complement us, and how we can guide our students using strengths."
Goh Pai Shen, Level Head, Dunman High School
"The greatest impact was (as a school leader) to gain insights and better understanding of each SMC member's talent areas so that I can better match the job areas, as well as, areas for growth and to strengthen.
Before the workshop, (when assigning tasks) I used my observations and some "guess-work. After the session, I am able to understand my own talent strengths and make necessary adjustments to accommodate or leverage on my team members' strengths."
Ms. Lee Hwee Ping, Vice Principal, Serangoon Garden Secondary School
"The greatest impact was learning how to recognise and apply my talent themes into my daily work and interaction.
Before the workshop, I was not sure if my talent themes were what I thought they were. Now I am able to fully appreciate what my talent themes are and intend to leverage on them as often as possible.
This is worth spending time on, to find out your strengths and what to do with them.”
Dominique Loh, Teacher, Serangoon Garden Secondary School
"The greatest impact was knowing for certain what my strengths are and the terms. I have always held back and chose not to verbalise my dislikes about a certain job scope. I was trying to find a fit and I thought it might be somewhere else. The trainer tells us to share it as our bosses can't read our minds. This impacted me and the personalised reports of my strengths certainly have given me a strong basis to build my next conversation on with my RO, hoping for some adjustment to my workscope so my talents can better contribute to that area. This course has given me clarity! I am so blessed by the course. Thank you!"
June Low, Educator, Yishun Primary School
"The biggest takeaway is the ability to listen to my group’s talents and their strengths! It was heartwarming to be validated as well as this reminds me to be even more committed to my journey in contributing in my line of work based on my talents and strengths."
Rekha Chandradas, Educator, Presbyterian High School